邮箱:support@meitu.com / legal@meitu.com
- 1、紫钻VIP:是指完成了购买紫钻VIP的所有程序,且在遵守本协议的前提下,在会员有效期内享受美颜相机提供的紫钻VIP服务的用户。
- 2、紫钻VIP服务:是美颜相机向您提供的由紫钻VIP专享的权益,该服务为付费服务,需要您额外付费购买,具体权益内容请您查看本协议第二条。请注意,紫钻VIP安卓端用户仅限于中华人民共和国大陆地区(不含港、澳、台)使用,如需在大陆地区以外使用美颜相机紫钻VIP服务,请于谷歌商店下载美颜相机APP并购买对应服务。
- 3、紫钻VIP协议:本协议为《美图账号规则》、《美颜相机用户协议》、《美颜相机个人信息保护政策》平台规则的补充协议,本协议为上述协议不可分割的组成部分,与其具有同等的法律效力,若本协议与上述协议冲突的,以本协议为准,本协议未提及的部分以上述协议为准。
- 4、紫钻VIP服务规则:指美颜相机已经或未来不时发布的与紫钻VIP服务相关的协议、公告、页面说明、通知、FAQ、优惠活动等内容。上述内容一经发布即生效,均构成本协议不可分割的一部分。
- 5、美颜相机公司及其关联公司可能根据自身对商业、法律与政策等要素的判断,随时更新本协议;未经您明确同意,我们不会削减您按照本协议享有的合法权利。
- 1、专属素材:指由美颜相机为紫钻VIP提供的已经内置于美颜相机的或者未来即将内置的包括但不限于原生主题、特效、滤镜、风格妆、贴纸、模板等仅限于紫钻VIP使用的相关素材与信息。
- 2、专属功能:包含美颜相机为紫钻VIP提供的已经内置于美颜相机的或者未来即将内置的仅限于紫钻VIP使用的专属功能。
- 3、优惠政策:美颜相机可能会根据实际运营情况对不同阶段已经开通或尚未开紫钻VIP的用户给予延期、权益升级、降价促销等方面的优惠,具体优惠政策以美颜相机在相关服务页面通知的内容为准。若您是符合前述条件的用户,则您有权享受上述优惠。
- 4、免费试用:为了让您确认紫钻VIP所提供的会员服务是否适合您,美颜相机为您提供紫钻VIP的免费试用服务,若您选择免费试用,请您仔细阅读我们所弹出的《会员服务协议》。您在获得试用资格的周期内可以免费使用紫钻VIP的所有功能与服务,试用到期前,若您未取消自动续费,美颜相机会发送私信或短信通知您即将自动扣费成为美颜相机正式会员。如您在免费试用过程中,不满意紫钻VIP的服务,您可以参见下文的自动续费退订方式,在试用到期前取消自动扣费;取消后您可继续享受试用期间的会员权益,直到试用到期。
- 5、美颜相机可能会根据法律法规及政策变更、自身运营策略等因素对上述会员权益作出部分修改,包括但不限于调整或下线专属素材和专属功能、更改优惠政策等。
- 1.在您使用美颜相机紫钻VIP服务的过程中,不得存在以下行为:
- (1)通过技术手段对服务内容、服务期限、消费金额、交易状态等信息进行修改以获得美颜相机紫钻VIP服务的。
- (2)将紫钻VIP服务提供他人使用(包括但不限于转移、赠与、借用、租用、销售、转让)。
- (3)将紫钻VIP服务提供的专属素材及定制功能进行发行、开发、转让、销售、展示、传播、合成、创作衍生作品、二次创作、进行商业开发或推广等。
- (4)对紫钻VIP服务的任何安全措施技术进行破解、更改、反操作、篡改或其他破坏。
- (5)任何通过非法不正当手段或利用漏洞获得紫钻VIP服务或进行恶意退费的。
- (6)其他违反《美图账号规则》、《美颜相机用户协议》、《美颜相机个人信息保护政策》、本协议、法律法规、监管政策及任何侵犯第三方合法权益的行为。
- 2.若您违反本协议和/或《美图账号规则》、《美颜相机用户协议》、《美颜相机个人信息保护政策》,您同意美颜相机有权根据自身的判断或法律与政策的需要,自主决定并可在不预先通知您的情况下,全部或者部分地选择:
- (1)暂停或终止对您的美颜相机紫钻VIP服务,采取包括但不限于限制、冻结或终止美颜相机紫钻VIP服务的措施,并由您自行承担美颜相机紫钻VIP服务无法使用的后果,您已支付的费用不作退还;
- (2)诉诸行政执法机构或者司法机关,以追究相应法律责任。若因您违反本协议导致任何第三方损害的(含美颜相机公司及其关联公司),您应当独立承担责任;美颜相机公司及其关联公司遭受损失的,您也应当依法赔偿。
- (1)“美颜相机”是指美颜相机公司及其关联公司开发、运营、管理的一款应用软件产品,旨在为您提供本协议范围内免费、非独占和全球范围内的软件使用许可及技术服务。本协议项下的“美颜相机”根据不同的语境将可能指美颜相机移动端、美颜相机公司为美颜相机设立的独立网站或者美颜相机公司围绕美颜相机软件产品提供的相关技术服务。
- (2)“美颜相机公司”指厦门鸿天创视科技有限公司或经由厦门鸿天创视科技有限公司授权,运营、上架和推广不同版本美颜相机的实际运营公司,如厦门美图网科技有限公司等。
電子郵件:support@meitu.com / legal@meitu.com
- 1、紫鑽VIP:是指完成了購買紫鑽VIP的所有程式,且在遵守本協議的前提下,在會員有效期內享受美顏相機提供的紫鑽VIP服務的使用者。
- 2、紫鑽VIP服務:是美顏相機向您提供的由紫鑽VIP專屬的權益,該服務為付費服務,需要您額外付費購買,具體權益內容請您查閱本協議第二條。
- 3、紫鑽VIP協議:本協議為《美圖帳號規則》、《美顏相機使用者協議》、《美顏相機個人資料保護政策》平台規則的補充協議,本協議為上述協議不可分割的組成部分,與其具有同等的法律效力,若本協議與上述協議衝突時,以本協議為準,本協議未提及的部分以上述協議為準。
- 4、紫鑽VIP服務規則:指美顏相機已經或未來不時發佈的與紫鑽VIP服務相關的協議、公告、頁面說明、通知、FAQ、優惠活動等內容。上述內容一經發佈即生效,均構成本協議不可分割的一部分。
- 5、美顏相機公司及其關係企業可能根據自身對商業、法律與政策等要素的判斷,隨時更新本協議;未經您明確同意,我們不會剝奪您按照本協議享有的合法權利。
- 1、專屬素材:指由美顏相機為紫鑽VIP提供的已經內建於美顏相機的或者未來即將內建的包含但不限於原生主題、特效、濾鏡、風格妝、貼紙、範本等僅限於紫鑽VIP使用的相關素材與資料。
- 2、專屬功能:包含美顏相機為紫鑽VIP提供的已經內建於美顏相機的或者未來即將內建的僅限於紫鑽VIP使用的專屬功能。
- 3、優惠政策:美顏相機可能會根據實際營運情況對不同階段已經開通或尚未開通紫鑽VIP的使用者給予延期、權益升級、降價促銷等方面的優惠,具體優惠政策以美顏相機在相關服務頁面通知的內容為準。若您是符合前述條件的使用者,則您有權享受上述優惠。
- 4、免費試用:為了確認紫鑽VIP所提供的自動續費服務是否適合您,美顏相機提供紫鑽VIP的免費試用服務,若選擇免費試用,請仔細閱讀《會員服務協議》。在試用期間可以免費使用紫鑽VIP的所有功能與服務,試用到期前,若未取消續費,美顏相機將以私訊或簡訊方式通知即將自動扣款成為美顏相機正式會員。若在免費試用過程,不滿意紫鑽VIP服務,可參見下文自動續費退訂方式,在試用到期前取消自動扣款;取消後可繼續享受會員權益直至試用期結束。
- 5、美顏相機可能會根據法律法規及政策變更、自身營運策略等因素對上述會員權益作出部分修改,包含但不限於調整或下線專屬素材和專屬功能、更改優惠政策等。
- 1.在您使用美顏相機紫鑽VIP服務的的過程中,不得存在以下行為:
- (1)透過技術手段對服務內容、服務期限、消費金額、交易狀態等資料進行修改以獲得美顏相機紫鑽VIP服務的。
- (2)將紫鑽VIP服務提供他人使用(包含但不限於轉移、贈與、借用、租用、銷售、轉讓)。
- (3)將紫鑽VIP服務提供的專屬素材及訂製功能進行發行、開發、轉讓、銷售、展示、傳播、合成、創作衍生作品、二次創作、進行商業開發或推廣等。
- (4)對紫鑽VIP服務的任何安全措施技術進行破解、更改、反向操作、篡改或其他破壞。
- (5)任何透過非法不正當手段或利用漏洞獲得紫鑽VIP服務或進行惡意退費。
- (6)其他違反《美圖帳號規則》、《美顏相機使用者協議》、《美顏相機個人資料保護政策》、本協議、法律法規、監管政策及任何侵犯合作廠商合法權益的行為。
- 2.若您違反本協議和/或《美圖帳號規則》、《美顏相機使用者協議》、《美顏相機個人資料保護政策》,您同意美顏相機有權根據自身的判斷或法律與政策的需要,自主決定並可在不預先通知您的情況下,全部或者部分選擇:
- (1)暫停或終止對您的美顏相機紫鑽VIP服務,採取包含但不限於限制、凍結或終止美顏相機紫鑽VIP服務的措施,並由您自行承擔美顏相機紫鑽VIP服務無法使用的後果,您已支付的費用不作退還;
- (2)訴諸行政執法機構或者司法機關,以追究相應法律責任。若因您違反本協議導致任何第三方損害(含美圖公司及其關係企業),您應當獨立承擔責任;若美圖公司及其關係企業蒙受損失,您也應當依法賠償。
- (1)「美顏相機」是指美顏相機公司及其關係企業開發、營運、管理的一款應用軟體產品,旨在為您提供本協議範圍內免費、非獨占和全球範圍內的軟體使用許可及技術服務。產品提供的相關技術服務。本協議項下的「美顏相機」根據不同的語境將可能指美顏相機移動端、美顏相機公司為美顏相機設立的獨立網站或者美顏相機公司圍繞美顏相機軟體產品提供的相關技術服務。
- (2)「美顏相機公司」指廈門鴻天創視科技有限公司。
Terms of Service of BeautyCam VIP
Welcome to BeautyCam VIP services!
Important: Before you (hereinafter alternatively referred to as "User") start reading and decide whether to accept the Terms of Service of BeautyCam VIP (hereinafter referred to as "This Agreement" or "VIP Agreement") and pay to sign up for the BeautyCam VIP services (hereinafter alternatively referred to as "VIP Services"), you are specially advised to read carefully and pay attention to the bolded text in This Agreement. Minors under the age of 13 shall read This Agreement carefully and decide whether to accept This Agreement under the supervision of their guardians, and purchase and use VIP services under the guidance and supervision of their guardians.If you have any questions about This Agreement, or cannot accept This Agreement in whole or in part, or need to provide feedback to BeautyCam company (including suggestions, complaints, whistleblowing, etc.) in your use, you can contact us at:
Customer Service QQ: 800019025
Email: support@meitu.com / legal@meitu.com
Tel: 4000093360
I. Description of VIP Services:
- 1. VIP: shall mean a User who has completed all the procedures for purchasing VIP and, subject to their compliance with This Agreement, receives VIP services provided by BeautyCam during the valid membership term.
- 2. VIP Services: exclusive benefits provided by BeautyCam for Pro members. These are paid services and will incur additional costs to you. For details of these benefits, please refer to Article II of This Agreement.
- 3. VIP Agreement: This Agreement is a supplementary agreement to such platform rules as the Meitu MTid Regulations, BeautyCam Terms of Service and the BeautyCam Personal Information Protection Policy.This Agreement is an integral part of the foregoing agreements with equal legal effect. If This Agreement conflicts with the foregoing agreements, This Agreement shall prevail and, for anything not mentioned in This Agreement, the foregoing agreements shall apply.
- 4. VIP service rules: shall mean the agreements, announcements, page descriptions, notices, FAQs, discounts, among others, that have been or will be released from time to time by BeautyCam in connection with VIP services. The above content becomes effective as soon as it is published, and all constitute an integral part of This Agreement.
- 5. BeautyCam company and its affiliates may update This Agreement at any time based on their own judgments on business, laws and policies and other matters; and we will not reduce your legal rights under This Agreement without your express consent.
II. Pro member rights and interests and related matters:
- 1. Exclusive materials: shall mean the relevant materials and information provided by BeautyCam for Pro members that have been built or will be built into BeautyCam, including but not limited to original themes, special effects, filters, style makeup, stickers and templates, which are exclusive for Pro members.
- 2. Exclusive functions: shall contain the functions provided by BeautyCam for Pro members that have already been or will be built into the BeautyCam, and are exclusive for Pro members.
- 3. Offers: BeautyCam may, depending on the actual operating condition, offer extensions, benefit upgrades and discount promotions, among others, to users who have or have not signed up for VIP at different stages. The specific offers are subject to the particulars advised by BeautyCam on the relevant service page. If you are a user who meets the aforementioned conditions, you shall be entitled to the above offers.
- 4. Free trial: To make sure our users fully understand our auto-renewal VIP service before they subscribe, BeautyCam offers a free trial service that allows users to enjoy all VIP benefits free of charge for a period of time. If you do not cancel the auto-renewal before the free trial expires, BeautyCam will notify you through private message or SMS that you will be automatically charged for the full membership. If you are not satisfied with the VIP service during the free trial period and wish to cancel auto-renewal, please refer to the following cancellation methods. You can still enjoy the remaining period of your free trial even after canceling auto-renewal.
- 5. BeautyCam may make modifications in part to the above member rights and interests based on such factors as changes in laws, regulations and policies, and its own operating strategies, including but not limited to adjusting or removing exclusive materials and exclusive functions, and changing preferential policies, among others.
III. Fees and cancellation related matters
IV. Membership regulations and the handling of breach of contract:
- 1. During your use of the BeautyCam VIP services, you must not do the following:
- (1) Modifying information such as service content, service term, amount of spending and transaction status through technical means to obtain the BeautyCam VIP services.
- (2) Providing VIP services for others to use (including but not limited to the transfer, giving as gift, lending, loaning, sale or assignment of the same).
- (3) Distributing, developing, transferring, selling, displaying, disseminating, composing, creating derivative works from, performing secondary creation on, or carrying out commercial development or promotion of, exclusive materials and customized functions provided by VIP services.
- (4) Cracking, altering, reverse-engineering, tampering or otherwise damaging any security measures of VIP services.
- (5) Obtaining VIP services or maliciously claiming refunds through illegal and improper means or by exploiting vulnerabilities.
- (6) Other breaches of the Meitu MTid Regulations, BeautyCam Terms of Service, BeautyCam Personal Information Protection Policy, This Agreement, laws and regulations and regulatory policies and any infringement upon the legal rights and interests of third parties.
- 2. If you breach This Agreement and/or the Meitu MTid Regulations, BeautyCam Terms of Service and BeautyCam Personal Information Protection Policy, you agree that BeautyCam shall have the right to, based on its own judgment or out of the needs of laws and policies, and in its own discretion without prior notification to you, in whole or in part choose to:
- (1) Suspend or terminate your BeautyCam VIP services, and take measures including but not limited to restricting, freezing or terminating your BeautyCam VIP services, and you will be held solely responsible for any consequences of your inability to use the BeautyCam VIP services, without receiving any refund of your paid fees;
- (2) Refer the matter to law enforcement bodies or judiciary authorities in order to hold you legally accountable. You shall be solely liable for any damage caused to any third party (including BeautyCam company and its Affiliates) as a result of your violation of This Agreement, and agree to compensate BeautyCam company and its Affiliates for any losses thus incurred.
V. Intellectual property statement: The intellectual property rights in and to any exclusive materials and customized functions provided by VIP services belong to BeautyCam company, its licensors or affiliates, and that BeautyCam company and its affiliates licenses you to use such materials and functions shall under no circumstances be regarded as a transfer of part or all of its intellectual property rights to you. Any materials that you download and use as part of the VIP services via BeautyCam shall be only for your personal entertainment, study, research or appreciation. They cannot be used for any commercial purposes without the written consent of BeautyCam company.
VI. Suspension and termination of VIP services: If you have objections to the contents of these rules modified by BeautyCam, or if you are not satisfied with the VIP services provided by BeautyCam company, you can either voluntarily suspend or terminate the VIP services, by not paying for renewal when due and taking the initiative to cancel the subscription, among other means.
VII. Governing law and jurisdiction over disputes: This User Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the mainland of the People's Republic of China. Any disputes under This Agreement shall fall under the jurisdiction of the court over the place where the defendant is located.
VIII. Definitions and others:
- (1) "BeautyCam" is an app developed, operated and managed by BeautyCam company and its Affiliates that aims to provide you with a free, non-exclusive and worldwide software license and technical services within the scope of This Agreement. "BeautyCam" under This Agreement may refer to any mobile application of BeautyCam, independent website(s) set up by BeautyCam company for BeautyCam or the technical services provided by BeautyCam company in connection with the BeautyCam app.
- (2) "BeautyCam company" shall mean Xiamen Hongtian Chuangshi Technology Co., Ltd.